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Unlock The Door To Unlimited Revenue

Presenting the first of its kind online Strategy Training Series for Affiliate Marketers. 

Join me for this five part series that will show you exactly what you need to know to run a successful Local Agency. 

Clients share their experience working with Brian Anderson

Everything You Need To Launch Your Affiliate Marketing Business TODAY!

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

Lays a solid foundation for what Affiliate Marketing is. Learn key industry terms and understand the core principles of successful affiliate marketing

Real World Campaign Analysis

Watch "Over My Shoulder" as I analyze the successes and failures of affiliate campaigns I have personally run.

Email Marketing Basics

What works, and what doesn't. The tools to get you the best possible results - cash in your pocket.

The Power of The List

How to acquire, build, grow, clean, develop, and double-opt-in your marketable list for MAXIMUM Results.

Legal Compliance

I'll show you how to work within the system and how to strictly adhere to the Federal Can-Spam Act.

Build Trust - Built Your Business

I'll show you how to develop a relationship with your list, how to establish yourself as an authority, and how to earn your contact's trust.

What to sell, and how to sell it

Walk away with actionable steps. Promote these proven, winning products with my tested email "swipe" campaigns.


I will GIVE you 1,000 e-mail addresses of people who have purchased products promoted by affiliate marketers. Jump-start your affiliate marketing business today!